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The $1 and $2 notes

After Huerta in November 1913 changed the Ley General to allow banks to issue notes in denominations below five pesos the Banco de San Luis Potosí had $1 and $2 notes printed by the American Book and Printing Company in Mexico City. The vignette of the bank's main offices had already been used on the banks's headed paper.

banco slp headed paper

On 31 January 1914 it was reported that the bank had signed a contract with a North American firm to print $500,000 in $1 notesEl Imparcial, 31 January 1914 but this was obviously a misunderstanding arising from the name of the printers. The next day the Mexican Herald reported that the bank had been authorized to make an issue of one peso notes to the amount of $500,000The Mexican Herald, 1 February 1914.

$1 notes SLP 1 D 048708

SLP 1 D 048708 reverse

Date of issue Date on note Series from to Interventor Consejero Gerente comment
8 April 1914AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1587, libro 2608 minutes of board 8 April 1914  15 February 1914 D  00001 115000 Camacho Labarthe Noval  
      includes number 254616


$2 notes SLP 2 000270

SLP 2 D 012667 reverse

Date of issue Date on note Series from to Interventor Consejero Gerente comment
8 April 1914AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1587, libro 2608 minutes of board 8 April 1914   15 February 1914 D  000001 035000 Camacho Labarthe Noval  
  035001   includes number 060961